Neighbourhood Women

Discover all that The Neighbourhood has for women.

We are better together

We believe women were meant to live in community. We enjoy being together! Together, women build friendships and a life support system; learn important and practical life & family skills and most important of all: have fun!

Connect with other Neighbourhood Women

Tuesday Morning Coffee Connect

This Bible Study is a great time of study, discussion, and prayer time designed just for you. Feel free to drop in when you can or join us every week and make it your place to connect. We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 9:15am in the Coffee Corner at our Pinehouse Venue. To get more information, head to the Groups card on our homepage or find Neighbourhood Groups under "Church Life." You can also visit our Facebook Group: Tuesday Morning Coffee Connect.

We also have an online study available. Join us by streaming anytime that fits your schedule. Grab a coffee, your Bible and join us!

Find us on Facebook by searching for our group: Sister Learn Live @ The Neighbourhood

Mama's Time Out

Mama's Time Out is an online group for those with babies, toddlers and school aged children. We post tips, stories and all kinds of helpful information. Feel free to join in on the conversation! 

Connect with others online and find us on Facebook: Mama's Time Out


The Women of The Neighbourhood Church have put together a cookbook to raise funds for missions! $5.00 each. Call our office at 306-934-7100 to order your copy!